consonant digraphs list pdf

consonant digraphs list pdf

less than a minute read 06-09-2024
consonant digraphs list pdf

Consonant digraphs are pairs of consonants that together create a single sound. Understanding these digraphs is crucial for improving reading and phonics skills. In this article, we will explore some common consonant digraphs and provide a comprehensive list.

What are Consonant Digraphs?

Consonant digraphs consist of two letters that produce one sound. This differs from regular consonant pairs where each letter retains its individual sound. Recognizing these digraphs helps students decode words more effectively.

Examples of Consonant Digraphs

Here are some examples of common consonant digraphs:

  • ch as in chocolate
  • sh as in shoe
  • th as in this
  • wh as in whale
  • ph as in phone
  • ck as in clock

Comprehensive List of Consonant Digraphs

Below is a list of some common consonant digraphs along with example words:

Digraph Example Word
ch cheese
sh ship
th think
wh what
ph graph
ck back
ng ring
kn knife
qu queen
sc scale
sk sky

Additional Notes

  • Phonics Instruction: Teaching consonant digraphs is an essential part of phonics instruction. It helps children understand how letters combine to form sounds in words.
  • Practice Activities: Utilizing worksheets and engaging activities can help reinforce the understanding of consonant digraphs.


Incorporating a solid understanding of consonant digraphs into literacy education can greatly enhance reading fluency and comprehension. For educators, parents, and students, having a reference list of these digraphs can be an invaluable resource.

If you're looking for a PDF version of the consonant digraphs list, consider creating one based on the information provided above for easy printing and reference.

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