two syllable closed syllable word list

two syllable closed syllable word list

less than a minute read 05-09-2024
two syllable closed syllable word list

Closed syllables are syllables that end with a consonant, and they often contain a short vowel sound. Understanding two-syllable closed syllable words can greatly enhance vocabulary and reading skills. Below is a list of examples, along with some explanations to help you understand this concept better.

What are Closed Syllables?

Closed syllables are syllables that are "closed" off by a consonant. This typically means that the vowel sound in a closed syllable is short. For instance, in the word "cat", the vowel "a" is followed by a consonant "t", making it a closed syllable.

Examples of Two Syllable Closed Syllable Words

Here’s a list of some common two-syllable closed syllable words:

  1. Kitten
  2. Basket
  3. Button
  4. Candy
  5. Pencil
  6. Market
  7. Tennis
  8. River
  9. Happen
  10. Rocket

Word Breakdown

Let’s take a look at a few examples to understand their structure:

  • Kit-ten

    • First syllable: "kit" (closed, short vowel sound)
    • Second syllable: "ten" (closed, short vowel sound)
  • Bas-ket

    • First syllable: "bas" (closed, short vowel sound)
    • Second syllable: "ket" (closed, short vowel sound)

Importance of Two Syllable Closed Syllables

Recognizing and practicing two-syllable closed syllable words is important for several reasons:

  • Reading Fluency: Helps improve reading fluency by allowing readers to easily decode words.
  • Phonetic Awareness: Increases phonetic awareness and understanding of how syllables are constructed.
  • Spelling Skills: Enhances spelling skills by reinforcing the connection between sounds and written words.

Practice Makes Perfect

To master two-syllable closed syllable words, practice is key. Here are a few activities you can try:

  • Flashcards: Create flashcards with two-syllable closed syllable words on them for practice.
  • Reading Aloud: Read books that contain a lot of closed syllable words to become familiar with their sounds.
  • Writing Exercises: Write sentences using as many two-syllable closed syllable words as you can.


Understanding two-syllable closed syllable words is a vital part of developing reading and writing skills. With practice and engagement, learners can master these words and apply their knowledge in various contexts. Start incorporating these examples into your daily vocabulary exercises, and you'll see improvement in no time!

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